Aluminium Sliding Windows
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Aluminium Sliding Windows Available Australia Wide!
An exceptionally practical type of window, our Australian made aluminium sliding windows are an ideal way to utilise limited space and also take advantage of your view.
Our standard range of aluminium sliding windows arrive fully assembled and include a flyscreen. We recommend installation by a qualified builder or carpenter. We have a variety of sizes and colours available and can also assist with custom doors if required.
Australian Made Aluminium Sliding Windows for Every Home
With a range of styles and colours available in aluminium, we’re your first and last destination for quality doors and windows. Other than sliding windows, we supply bifold doors, French doors and bifold windows in aluminium. We deliver Australia-wide from Sydney to Brisbane, Perth and all other major cities and towns.
Can't Find What You're Looking For?
custom sizes available
View our range of Aluminium products
Australia Wide Delivery
Various Colours Available
Suitable for internal and external use
All Hardware with locks included
Product Information
Suitable for external and internal use
Dimensions are exact to the outside of the frame
Minimum of 4mm glass which surpasses the Australian standards code of AS1288-2006
Custom sizes available, please enquire for prices.
Additional Information
Standard and security screens available (depending on product)
Installation should be carried out by a suitably qualified Builder or Carpenter
Some adjustments to locks & other components may be required after installation
If these sizes do not suit your installation please enquire about our Custom Orders that can be made to your requirements